What is reflexology?
Read MoreMany of our customers have never heard of reflexology before and when they see massage chairs on our site have it, they don't know what they are getting! Reflexology is a feature that is one of the most, if not the most...
How to Stay in Love….with Your Massage Chair is very similar to staying in love with your significant other...
Read MoreOne of the hottest selling massage chairs, the Infinity iYashi, has seen many raving reviews recently. Typically for reviews, the same feature or part of the chair is raved about, but with the Infinity iYashi the reviews are raving not just about...
Read MoreOur Massage Chair Professionals are eager to share their knowledge about all the chairs we carry. A common question asked is "How much space do I need for a massage chair?". That is a great question that should be addressed before making a decision...
Read MoreThe newest brand to join MassageChairStore.com, Human Touch, is already selling like hot cakes! Here are some questions customers have been asking regarding Human Touch's HT9500x.
Read More1.) Health
Read MoreMassage doesn’t just help your muscles and relieve tension, it has also been proven to help alleviate depression, chronic pain, joint issues, high blood pressure, anxiety and more. Your massage chair is an investment in your overall...
Want a chair that works more of your body than any other chair?
Introducing the Infinity iYashi, the longest massage stroke in the industry! Encompassing 35% more of your body, this chair is truly one of a kind, reaching places no other chair has...
Read MoreQuestion:
Do you have any height or weight restrictions that will limit my massage chair selection?
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