When you are trying out massage chairs to find the perfect one for you, follow these guidelines to ensure the chair is the perfect fit:
- Try out ALL the auto programs for at least 15 minutes each: You want to ensure you find one that give your body the help it needs.
- Ask about the massage techniques the massage chair provides: You want to make sure the variety of techniques are to your liking.
- Play with the remote: You want to make sure the remote is easy to navigate and use.
- Test the chairs movement: You want to make sure the chair can decline/incline enough each way that satisfies what you want.
- Ask about the special features: Find out what each chair has over another chair to ensure you have the features that matter the most to you.
For more guidance on selecting a chair and finding the best for your wants and needs give our specialists a call at 1-800-700-1022.