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How to Stay in Love

Posted in: Best massage chair, Massage Features, Buyers Guide, Massage chair, Massage Chair Store Blog, Massage Chairs

How to Stay in Love….with Your Massage Chair is very similar to staying in love with your significant other...

1.) You don't take them for granted…I don't mean you you say thank you to your chair after a massage, but you are grateful for what the chair does for you. You don't assume they'll always be there (even though they will be), and you don't treat them like a punching bag.

2.) You don't skimp on your time together…no matter how busy you get, squeezing in that time with your chair, whether it is taking five minutes before work in the morning or eating dinner in the chair at night, you make time to get your massage and you will be thankful you did. You carry over what you love about your relationship into a daily routine.

3.) You don't stop doing things that made you fall in love…with the chair just because you've been together for awhile! You keep the spark alive!

4.) Communicate…with your chair. Tell the chair using the remote exactly what you want! Don't be vague, get to the point! Your chair is their to help you and solve your problems, so tell it what you need and want!

And remember your chair will always love you back! 

winky face